Blessing to Each and Everyone

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By Janneke Koole

May the Wind always be on your back

May the Light pull you ever forward

May your body stay healthy and strong

And may your heart sing with gratitude each day


We are Rainbow Warriors – agents of hope and peace with freedom

We have a purpose and nothing will deter us

Whether we are at home or doing essential service

Whether we are weak or strong

Each one of us has a part to play in the unfolding of the Great Mystery


Choose this day to stand tall, awake, aware, and alert

Let nothing or no one dissuade you from your innermost truth

For Truth will set you free

Free to be the individual, autonomous human being

Born at this time in history to be one of the many who hold open the Gate

Alive at this time within the unfolding of a Great Change

Wherein humans will once again remember to care, share, teach, heal and love one another

In harmony and balance with all the worlds of Grandmother Earth