The Leadership team at DTMMS is aware that the outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting each one of us. We have been and will continue to monitor the COVID-19 updates provided by the CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins University, and other credible sources. In compliance with recommended practices to mitigate and contain COVID-19, we have suspended or postponed all in-person classes, workshops and ceremonial events until further notice. As communication and staying connected during these moments of social distancing and self-isolation is ever more important, DTMMS is increasing its communications via email, social media and Zoom conferencing, and expanding its presence online.
The Hereditary Lineage Leaders and Board of Directors stand in strong support of our Sweet Medicine SunDance (SMSD) Leadership worldwide. We are interconnected, interdependent and inter-reliable more than ever before. We encourage you to use all your tools to stay connected to inner calm and Spiritual Guidance, flow with the changes toward solutions, and keep the swift mitigation of COVID-19 in your daily prayers.
Blessings and In Service,
The DTMMS Leadership Team