Legacy & Bequests: Part II

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Legacy & Bequests - Part II

By J. Cornish

Legacy & Bequest is planned-giving that show those around you that you honor them and those who have walked before you.

As we continue our series on Legacy & Bequests, here is a quick review:  A Bequest is a gift of personal property, money, assets under the terms of a Will to an organization, person or group. It may be a tithe, or it may be a table! Everything indicates the values that you shared and lived within this life. It honors that it takes so much more than family and relatives to fulfill our lives and grow and evolve.

It is important to consider … what will I gift to others at my death? What would l like to see done in honor of that which has provided riches to me during this lifetime?

To gain clarity on your Bequest, you may want to ask yourself the following questions;

  • What brought me joy?
  • How do I want to be remembered?
  • What transformed my life?
  • What do I wish for my family and community for the future?
  • What would I like to do to accomplish that?

Perhaps your choice is to leave a Bequest for a park bench or an endowment for a fund for ceremonial scholarships. Perhaps it is money to help an organization grow. Perhaps it is funds given purely to say thank you for all that has been a gift and blessing in this life.

Please consider your Will and your Bequests to the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society. An example of a bequest is provided below:

Ten Percent (10%) of the residue of my Estate to the DEER TRIBE METIS MEDICINE SOCIETY (“DTMMS”) a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation organized under the laws of Arizona, whose current address is 12201 N. 64th Street, Scottsdale, AZ, 85254, USA, 480-443-3851, for its own use and benefit absolutely.

May your Bequest be a gift to others to share for the next 7 generations.

Click here for Part 1 of the Legacy & Bequests article.